Vickie Baker of Grantsville displays cloth-
ing samples worn by women 400 years ago
The local Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) group met recently in Gassaway. Besides the business of the organization, the ladies were delighted to have Vickie Baker as the program's speaker. Mrs. Baker's topic was the arrival of the Mayflower to Plymouth, Massachusetts 400 years ago this September.
Vickie discussed the restoration of the Meetinghouse and other buildings in Plymouth in preparation for the fall celebration. The Mayflower's passengers endured much hardship the first winter, but their determination and hard work helped them through that first year. She brought with her a period dress a pilgrim woman would have worn. It was colorful and cleverly designed to be functional and hold up for many years. Vickie also had a photo of the plain dress a pilgrim woman would have worn, which was black and white.
Vickie Fulks Baker holds the office of Historian for the The Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of West Virginia. This position assists perspective members in the application process. West Virginia has had a Society for over 70 years. The Governor General of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, Dr. George Garmany, was a guest speaker at the 2019 state meeting in Charleston. Mrs. Baker explained a new collaboration between the Descendants and other lineage groups, such as the DAR. The General Society has compiled a book that lists Mayflower Society members who have a Revolutionary patriot in his/her lineage. This resource may open up membership for both organizations.
Due to the popularity of this commemorative event, there has been an enormous number of applications. Many men and women are hoping their applications will be verified during this 400th year.
For more information visit mayflowersociety.org