All content on this page belongs to and is copyrighted
by Grahame - ©2021 Neil Grahame MountainStar Studio
Originally from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Grahame moved to Florida in 1961 where he worked for the Orlando Sentinel, The Melbourne Times and Florida Today before becoming Chief Photographer at the Naples Daily News. He later worked as Editorial Art Director for the Fort Myers News Press, the Clarion-Ledger, Jackson, Miss. and Florida Today.
A resident of the backwoods of Calhoun County since 1986. Editorial Cartoonist and Graphics Editor for Spencer Newspapers.
Officially retired in 2012, still draws a weekly editorial cartoon and monthly comic strip for Hildreth Supply, Inc.
Grahame has freelanced for a number of comic book publishers drawing the comic book versions of "The Real Ghost-busters", "New Kids on the Block" and the Warner Bros. cartoon characters "Bugs Bunny". "Daffy Duck" and Wile E. Coyote, etc.
I hope you enjoy his version of the story of the Flatwoods Monster and Mothman.
He welcomes your comments, criticisms or thoughts. Please contact him at: jaymarsh25@gmaiLcom

part 1 here
part 2 here
part 3 here
part 4 here
part 5 here
part 6 here
part 7 here
part 8 here
part 9 here