Rev. Carroll
McCauley - 9-11-2001 - May God be with us. I'm surprised it happened, but the doors to America have
always been open. I think we'll strike back.
By Bob Weaver 9/2022
Rev. Carroll L. McCauley of Grantsville has died at 84, one of Calhoun's most beloved neighbors and ministers, an everyone counts type of human being, always giving back to his community.
He was known for his perpetual smile and laughter, good hugs and compassionate words of encouragement, having conducted thousands of weddings and funerals over 61 years.
His obituary reminded us of his down-home ways of saying things.
"It's dandy."
How was your day?
"You're looking perty."
"It will all work out.
"You're so nice.
"I really appreciate you.
"Thank You."
"Saw you later."
He walked and talked the compassionate message of Christ.
Obituary read on Stump Funeral Home web site.