CALHOUN PARK WORKING ON NEW PROJECTS - Events Being Scheduled For Public


A stargazers cabin is being developed for astronomers

The Calhoun County "Dark Skies" Park is launching a new year with a slate of activities for 2021, according to Park Board President Donnie Pitts.

The park, for many years has been blessed with volunteers, since its beginning.

The park is continuing to develop a section of the park for the Dark Skies project, including a cabin built by students at the Calhoun-Gilmer Career Center. The cabin can be rented by astronomers, with platforms and new shelters, showers and restrooms nearby.

Adjacent is a number of campsites with hook-ups.

Site of new rest rooms and showers, harvested woods for skyline view

The park is investing $12,000 for telescopes and astronomy equipment which can be utilized by county youth.

The astronomy area is having a section of woods harvested so astronomers can get a view of the skyline.

Grant money has been received to build a wheelchair lift in the barn.

Details being completed on the new amphi-
theater stage getting last minute touches

The park draws visitors to picnic pavilions, playgrounds, fishing ponds and Heritage Park.

"We have lots of special events planned for the park this year," Pitts concluded, "Something for everyone."