Submitted by Lori Parsons
Title I teacher PHE
Pleasant Hill Elementary students continue to stay engaged in academic activities during the Covid-19 quarantine. Here are a few of the neat things our students have been doing! We are so proud of our teachers, parents and students for completing the suggested learning activities and making the sacrifices to ensure students are continuing to grow academically.

Kindergarteners, Brooklyn Hartshorn (left) has been very
busy writing her numbers to 100; Eloise Carpenter (center)
doing a science experiment with vegetable oil, water, food
coloring and an Alka Seltzer tablet. Her teacher, Mrs.
Batten, found this a cool experiment and shared it with her
class; and Emma Ackley (right)is enjoying reading each day
First graders including Elizabeth Collins (L)
and Silas Cunningham made perfect habitats for
a turtle or frog. They had some great examples
and can tell you all about their habitats
Third graders are utilizing many different internet sites suggested by their teachers to keep their minds active and engaged. Teachers can then see how the students are doing and give students feed back on their quiz results.
Fourth graders finished the chapter book Where the Red Fern Grows together on their live video with Mrs. Ritchie this week. Mrs. Whited and Mrs. Ritchie are also putting together a special gift For their students to wish them well for next year at CMHS.