Over 2000 food items donated to
local pantry by LKVCS students
Students from the Little Kanawha Valley Christian School, delivered over 2000 items to the First Baptist Calhoun Food Pantry yesterday. "It is a blessing to all involved when the youth learn to care about others in their community," said the Pantry's co-director Donna Umstead.
Umstead said, "We also need to thank our local Foodland for a full pallet of vegetables that arrived just in time for the holiday. 25 turkeys also arrived at the pantry this week from an anonymous donor. Whoever you are, we greatly appreciate receiving them."
"Thank you to all the individuals and churches that have donated food and money to help the pantry serve citizens of Calhoun County," said Umstead.
Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless all of you.
The First Baptist Calhoun County Food Pantry is a non-profit pantry operated by co-directors Donna Umstead and Lewis Craddock. The pantry is supported by the churches of Calhoun County and individual donations.
Donations may be sent to:
First Baptist Calhoun County Food Pantry
P.O. Box 237
Grantsville, WV 26147