DANIELS RUN NEWS 1902 - "Joseph Nailor Looking For Wife, James Starchers Talking Machine"

The Calhoun Chronicle



Mrs. Naomi Booher and daughter, are visiting on Barnes run at this writing.

Madison Leach is learning the carpenter trade. He is working under Mr. Tom Carpenter, one of the best "carpenters" in the state.

The school at the Starkey school house, under the management of Lee Gainer, is a success.

We have a fine Literary, at the Starkey school house. The Sycamore band is there every night.

A. Gunn, the prosperous merchant of Claria, is doing a big business at this place.

Gray Boy was mistaken about T. J. Starcher's cellar. It won't be completed before next spring.

Little Ophia Booher, the daughter of L.H. Booher, has been very poorly, but we are glad to say, is some better.

Mr. J.L. Goff has just completed a fine dwelling house.

Miss Jane Crawford, the charming young lady of Claria, was visiting the Starkey school Saturday.

Misses Dora Beall and Arizona Goff were the guests of Mrs. Loverna Stalnaker last Wednesday.

Miss Gertie Riggs, who has been the guest of Mrs. Naomi Booher for the past two weeks, returned home Wednesday.

J.W. Starcher, a good citizen of this place, is carrying the mail from Arnoldsburg to Grantsville.

The Starkey School we are sorry to say will close February 1st, 1902.

Mr. James Starcher, was visiting in this part of the country with his talking machine and entertained the people once at the Starkey school house and at the new school house also.

Mr. Bud West and brother were visiting relatives in this vicinity the past week.

W.H. Wood, is erecting a fine barn under the management of his intended son-in-law John Crawford.

Christmas and New Year is over and still some people are getting presents yet.

George Lynch, who has been at Richwood working is in this vicinity at present.

The sick in this locality, as we are glad to say, are mending and the poor also.

Oky Dobbins, was visiting in this neighborhood Sunday.

John Stalnaker and wife, were the guests of Mrs. John Goff last Sunday.

Madison Leach, one of our young men, makes frequent trips to Pine Creek of late. He says he is looking after a cross tie job, but he goes late Saturday evening and returns Monday morning.

Joseph Nailor, a hard working old farmer and bachelor of our locality, says he would like to marry some good girl that would make a good mother toward his children. Look out girls, Mr. Nailor will be around hunting him a wife.

Jordan Nitz says he likes to go to school at their place, but he says he could learn more if Ocie, Esther, and Arizona would leave him alone.

G.W. Wood says that courting is a very foolish thing in this estimation.

H.M. Maffett and Track W. Goff, went coon hunting and treed a tree and laid by it all night but didn't swear off. Naomi Booher is talking of going to Richwood in the Future.

Fling Stockwell is learning the carpenter trade under the direction of Mr. Tom Carpenter. He says he will complete the trade against spring.