DANIELS RUN NEWS 1901 - Typhoid Fever Taking Toll, Politicians Like The Fair Sex, Maffit Sold His Hounds

From The Calhoun Chronicle


November 12, 1901

We had a very nice shower of rain here last week.

The Literary at the Starkey school house is progressing very nicely. The Sycamore string band is there every Friday night and furnishes fine music, for which they have our thanks.

About all the young people in this neighborhood visited J.W. Bailey's on last Sunday and had a good time. We think they all enjoyed themselves nicely.

Joseph Smith was visiting friends here a few days last week. He started Sunday for Richwood, where he has been working for some time.

O.J. Kelley had the misfortune of getting his foot cut very badly Monday.

Joseph Gibson, Jr., is in a very critical condition with malaria fever at this writing.

D.W. Goff is hauling goods from Spencer for A. Gunn.

We understand E.B.Starkey brought in three ladies to house keep for him.

Addie Norman is recovering slowly at this writing from typhoid fever.

The School at the new school house is doing fine with G.G. Kelley as teacher. He has a large school and all the scholars seem to like him splendid.

On last Saturday and Sunday the Quarterly meeting was held at Mt. Zion. The meeting was protracted and we think they will have good success .

S.L. Crawford, A.H. Bailey, D.W. Goff and Flint Stockwell are candidates, but we fear they will be defeated as they are known too well, especially by the fair sex.

Miss Mintie and Kesler Green are attending school at the new school house on Daniels Run.

J.F. Allen started for Lucile, Wirt county, to take pictures.

We are well pleased with our new singing teacher, Nicholson Poling.

Constable T.J. Starcher has just completed a fine cellar at his residence.

Mrs. Lenora Cline and Miss Dora Wright started to Richwood the first day of this month, where they will work in a clothes pin factory.

Warren Gibson and Willie Starkey returned home one day last week from Richwood. They report a pleasant time.

G.A. Bailey, who has been in the mountains for some time, returned home last Tuesday.

Mrs. T.H. Booher and Miss Gertrude Riggs entertained a party of young folks the other evening. All report a good time.

J.W. Stalnaker returned one day last week from a pleasant visit to friends in Jackson county.

T.J. Starcher has a fine raft of timber hauled and is now ready to raft it.

Steven Crawford and E.W. Goff have bought the timber on S.E. Keith's place on Daniels run, and will have a saw mill there in a short time.

D.H. Nester has sold his ox team to Riddle Bros. of Muscle Shoals.

Ada Norman, who has been so low with typhoid fever, has so far recovered that she is able to be out of the house.

J.J. Booher made a flying trip to Sutton last week.

Joseph Sturm has been the guest of Mrs. M.J. Lower for a few days.

S. L. and A. Gunn are contemplating the erection of a fine store building at this place.

H.M. Maffitt has sold his hounds and says he is going to quit hunting and clear him out a corn field. We would like to see more men in this county make the same kind of a move. We thing it would benefit the county more than any thing else.

Mrs. Geo. Gibson, who has been on the sick list for some time is better at this writing.

J.W. Nailer extends an invitation to all who will come and help gather in his corn, as he is afflicted and not able to gather it.

It is a little early to talk politics, but our choice is S. M. Ward for legislature and L. H. Trippett for Co. Clerk.