DANIELS RUN NEWS 1901 - "Crawford Out For Matrimony," Typhoid Fever Rampant

Several cases of typhoid fever are in our community.

J.J. Starcher and Miss Bertie Nester still remain in a critical condition.

J.W. Bailey and son contemplate sowing 25 acres in wheat and grass.

N.J. Whytsell, of Altizer, is having a coal bank opened on his farm.

Rev. Fitch preached his farewell sermons at the Mouth of Daniels run last Sunday.

A. Gunn and Malissa Tanner are doing a thriving mdse. business at this place.

I am glad to say that the school at the Starkey school house is progressing nicely under the management of Lee Gainer.

Guy and Elzie Bailey, J.W. and Joe Smith, of our neighborhood, are at Richwood, Nicholas county working.

Nathan Starkey, one of our fifty pound young men, was on our streets recently.

Lookout girls Stephen Crawford is out for matrimony.

Charley Starcher, we are sorrow to say, has a very badly cut knee.

Walter Smith has the lumber on his lot preparing to erect a dwelling to use.

Say, Felix! A. Borbett wants one of your goats to plow in wheat with.

Little Adda Norman, who has been quite low with typhoid fever, is, we are sorry to say, no better at this writing.

C.B.Shafer and J.D. Cutlip were transacting business here recently.

L.H. Booher and Jake Smith talks of going to the mountains soon.

W.L. Smith will move into his new dwelling soon.

There is a literary at the Starkey school house every Friday night.

J.L. Goff has hauled in his coal for the winter.

If no bad luck, T.J. Starcher will have a cellar soon.

H.M. Maffett is doing some work on his house.

There are a few persons in this neighborhood who ought to have split tongues, so they could talk about themselves as well as their neighbors.