UPDATE 2016 - Electric Power and phone crews were in Calhoun all-day Wednesday, restoring service and replacing poles follow Tuesday night's storm. Most service in the county has been restored, including service to Calhoun Middle-High School.
At daybreak Wednesday, a number of structures were found damaged.

Trailer crushed by tree on Phillips Run

Trees fell on power and phone lines, some blocking highways

Rt. 16 covered with debris
By Bob Weaver 2016
What was described as a "mico-burst" struck south of Grantsville along Rt. 16 Tuesday at 6 p.m. with high winds, hail and some rain, downing trees, electric and telephone poles, and damaging some structures.
A large thunderhead came across the area with numerous lightening strikes, the thrust of the storm striking Phillips Run, an area three miles south of Grantsville.
A Phillips Run woman described the roaring wind, saying she gathered her children fearing it was a tornado, saying it sounded like a train locomotive.
A responder said the roaring wind, most of which likely remained above the terrain, was nothing like he had experienced before.

Responders worked in dense fog identifying problems
Then a dense fog fell on the area, with visibility at times being only 75 feet. A fireman said the fog was so dense, it was difficult to locate problems.
A tree crushed a mobile home on Phillips Run, with firemen reporting a gas leak.
A main line electric pole clipped off and stuck in the ground, with electric power still on. Mon Power crews arrived to the scene.

Main electric transmission line clipped in half,
but still powering; Hail covered yards and roadway
Trees fell on power and phone lines blocking the roadway, with the Grantsville VFD and volunteers clearing the debris.
Other trees were downed in other parts of the county, Altizer and Klipstine Rd.
Calhoun 911 received dozens of calls regarding the weather event.
At 8:30 p.m. Tuesday the power company was reported 23% of Calhoun residents were without power - 1,066 customers.