Emergency Medical Technician Course #13-310 will be held at the Grantsville Volunteer Fire Dept. from 6 to 10 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays - Jan. 8 through April 18, 2013.
Fee for the class is $150.00 payable to RESA 5 - $75.00 WVOEMS State test fees (through CIS). Text book and work books $150.00 TOTAL: $375.00. Instructor will be Dave Johnson.
PREâREGISTRATION required to guarantee a seat.
This class is for the person that wishes to expand their career into the EMS field and a stepping stone to the Paramedic Level. Please note, everyone participating must register electronically on the "CIS" system, the registration process will be explained in class.
Testing fees are controlled by the State of WV and National Registry. All RESA 5 fees are due by Mid-term of class. E-mail registration back to rarmstrong@access.k12.wv.us or Fax to 304-485-6515.
Students may save money by borrowing the books from someone else.