Santa greets and entertains Grantsville children

Calhoun High band "Jingle Bells" down street
Parade Winners:
1. CCCOA - White Christmas
2. Calhoun Banks - Jib Jab Time
3. Minnie Hamilton Healthcare - Christmas Wonderland
Honorable Mention - Mud Fork Church Horn Ensemble
Window Decoration Winners:
1. Calhoun Historical Society Museum and Hotel
2. J & B Drugstore
Honorable Mention - Tony Morgan, Attorney
An upgraded Grantsville Christmas Parade with an increased number of lighted and music-filled floats welcomed the holiday season Friday night, but few attended with the evening dampened by rain.
The Calhoun High School band playing "Jingle Bells" and the arrival of Santa Claus on a fire truck, among the highlights.
A dwindling number of children showed up to receive the treats supplied by the Grantsville Lions Club.

Councilwoman Erin Barnhart recalled the parade once had sports teams, twirling groups, bands and floats, saying "Each year the parade entries seem to dwindle," although this year's effort rose to the occasion.
One of the best efforts was the hospitality of the Calhoun Historical Society's open doors, good food and displays.

Calhoun Historical Society windows win 1st Place

1952 Arnoldsburg community quilt with names and donations (as
little as 50 cents) a fundraiser for the the Baptist church

J&B Drug, 2nd place winner

Tony Morgan, attorney (left) was honorable
mention; Calhoun Sr. Center 3rd place