By Alvin Engelke

There will be a benefit auction Saturday March 2 starting at 6 p.m. at the Creston Community Building. There will be all sorts of goodies and proceeds go to help maintain the building which now has a new electrical service. Bobby Ray and Wilma will have some fine cheese, pepperoni, grab bags, 50/50, etc. along with food from the kitchen. Everyone is welcome.

Wirt County Commission candidate Roy Copen installed new electric service in the Creston Community Building as a donation to the community. At the last auction the service drop broke so now there is a complete new service. Local residents would like to thank Roy for his contribution to the community.

Rev. Robert Stanley filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. The comely lasses in Peggy's Sunday school class are now sporting new shirts with a message.

Dorcas Henthorn, age 96, passed away in Parkersburg. A native of Creston she for many years ran the Home Restaurant in Elizabeth and had a host of friends.

Charles and Euell Russell now have new spectacles. They also were attending to business at Ralph's on south side. It turned out that the check out girl was the daughter of Ricky Tucker who lives across the road from the Russells.

Don Rhodes has been on the sick list and was consulting with his physician in Spencer. Don and Mia both stopped rubbing snuff with Mia taking up chewing gum and Don smoking cigars.

Kenny Jett is scheduled to undergo tests at the Cleveland Clinic. Kenny's wife, Janet and Donna Sue Ferrell were out running around Friday purchasing goodies for Kenny and Carl.

Nancy Engelke made final arrangements for her hip replacement surgery. Lots of folks have wished her well.

The Big Dog reported that he had been served home made cookies and chicken salad sandwiches (not from a vending machine). The Great Pifu did report that becky fixed some beans one day last week but the contest obviously goes on.

Eddie Ferrell and Carl Ferrell's cousin helped Charles Russell get his new chair into the house.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferrell were visiting Aunt Faye, Aunt Lena and cousins Tom and Kathy Ohse in Parkersburg over the weekend.

Former state senator Jay Wolfe was in Elizabeth working on his campaign to retire John D. Rockefeller IV from the U.S. Senate. Sen. Vic Sprouse gave a speech urging the faithful to get out the vote, especially for Shelly Moore Capito. Also present were Se. Donna Boley and husband, Jack, Delegate and Mrs. Larry Border, State Chairman Chris Warner and local residents and candidates.

Because of cloudy weather the occultation of Saturn was not seen in Creston.

Dominion (formerly CNG or Hope natural Gas Co.) has been obtaining leases in Calhoun County and paying 5/32 royalties. They are very keen to do seismic work in the southern area of the county, which would probably indicate that they are planning 3-D seismic. Dominion still holds thousands of acres paying only on "flat rate" wells. The amounts were established when the nation was on the gold standard and men worked for $1 a day.

Sister company Columbia has completed a lot of seismic work in the Looneyville area. They have some of their "big guns" working on properties in that area.

One local resident received an "Adopt an Enron Executive Form" so that those who are adopted can trade in for a new Lexus, etc. One can only wonder what sort of a deal Terry McCauliffe will fix up for the nice folks at Global Crossing.

Rev. S.E. Cooper, Jr. had his garden plowed.

Connie Boggs carried the mail on the Cremo route one day last week

Mack Menefee, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bell, Jr. were attending to business in Elizabeth.

R. Keith Lynch and Alvin Engelke are scheduled to attend the Vegetation Management Seminar at Canaan Valley State Park. Keith is one of the officials in the state organization.

It was reported that Third Rock was working up slips in Calhoun County. It was not reported if he had any assistance locating them.

Chris Miller reported that she had crocuses in bloom. Also hairy bittercress is blooming as the unseasonable weather continues.

It would seem that some of the trucking folks have it in mind that the folks meeting down at the mouth of the Elk river have already raised the weight limit on local roadways. Such should assure that we will forever get to drive through the ruts to do what little business we have left to do after we finance the coal trucks with a big subsidy. Mr. & Mrs. Cooter Marks and sons JP, RP, & AC, and Mr. & Mrs. JB Griffin were among those attending the Cub Scouts' annual Blue and Gold Banquet in Elizabeth Saturday evening. The Scouts presented some skits after the covered dish dinner, and also provided entertainment for the crowd. Several Scouts received merit badges and Service Stars.

Dixie and Sadie Jane have been seen out and about aboard the Starship Enterprise recently. Cap'n Grim was reported to have been patrolling the Klingon Neutral Zone border in his new starship around the Elizabeth sector.

Colleen Duskey, Elizabeth Taylor, Cap'n and Mrs. (Admiral) Spock were among those calling on Mr.& Mrs. Gaylen Duskey and Miss Elizabeth at their new Grantsville residence as they unloaded the U-Haul "truck" from North Carolina. The Cap'n encountered extreme difficulties as he attempted to back the big, long rig into the driveway off the narrow back street beside the old McDonald house. Miss Elizabeth was tickled to get to ride in such a big rig, inquiring at one point "Do I have the right to be scared?"