Visitors enjoy "Lights On!" Class Photographs
Eight Calhoun photographers displayed their photographs at a special exhibition last night at
Calhoun Middle-High School. Instructor Jeff Fetty said "It was an exciting experience working
with this group. Just look at their photographs and you'll see what I mean."
The pictures were hung around "The Commons" with folks from the community coming to enjoy
them, music was provided by Harry Beall and some excellent food was served.

"I'll take a picture of my picture, while you take a picture of me taking a picture of me," he

The Students (Left to Right) Instructor Jeff Fetty, Deb Hartshorn, Amanda Morris, Dan
Morris, Jo Mollendick, Andrea Norman, Kelly Bell, Denise Carter, Ralph
Most of the pictures brought statements from observers, "I'd like to take that one home."
"This group worked very hard to improve their skills," said Fetty, a well-known Roane County
photographer and artisan.
The photography class was funded by "Light's On!"

Harry Beall performs for gathering