A great excitement was created in Grantsville Saturday morning by the announcement that there was a mad dog (rabies) in the streets, and that he was snapping and biting everything that came in his reach.

No sooner was the alarm turned in than a large force of men and boys, armed with shot guns, Winchester rifles, clubs, axes, etc. gave chase, and finally succeeded in killing him.

But not, however, until he had bitten two other canines, one of which was Attorney Reese Blizzards fine St. Bernard, for which he would not take a fortune.

Several persons barely escaped being bitten. A.W. Hallenbake coming the nearest, according to his own statement he was within a half a hairs breadth of the dog's teeth when they came together with a crash.

Another case of rabies was reported from Barnes' Run. A dog is said to have bitten some hogs, a few geese, and a man.

We are told that the man was trying to tie the dog up when he got the bite.

From Calhoun Chronicle by Norma Knotts Shaffer.