Transcribed by Norma Knotts Shaffer from microfilm of the Calhoun Chronicle dated 11/20/1894

On last Sunday a week two young women engaged in a most disgraceful fight near Oka, in this county.

One girl by the name of Bina Hunt was seriously if not fatally hurt.

A dozen or more men stood by and did not interfere until she was pounded by her antagonist into insensibiity.

She was finally helped to her feet and brought to life and she immediately set up a tirade of profane abuse, and kept this up for some distance along the road and finally fell in an unconscious state.

She did not recover for several hours and the last our reporter heard from her she was in a critical condition.

The other girl who did the Sullivan act was a Miss McClain, daughter of Wm. McClain, so well known in this country a few years ago for the numerous cases in court in which he was a witness.

The affair will be investigated at the next grand jury court and for the sake of the good people of that community the punishment should be so great as to forever deter others from engaging in like conduct.