By Janet Siers
Blaine King and his daughter Debbie visited with Ray and
I Monday afternoon. Debbie is spending time here on the West Fork. I hope she enjoys herself here in a place that is so different from Fairmont. Have a good vacation Debbie and it is nice to meet you.
Doy Hannah's daughter Jenie and granddaughter Brittany came for a hair cut and we had a lovely visit. Jeni went to Minnora with my daughter Heather and to high school with Tawni. I went to Minnora with Doy. A few days later she brought me yellow squash and green onions. Thank you sweetie.
It's certainly been bright and clear here in this part of the woods. I feel such a difference in this spring and summer. I love it though. It's been so beautiful, regardless of a drought.
Dog Days begin on July 3 and conjures up the hottest, most sultry days of summer. Forty days beginning July 3 ending August 11, "Dog Days bright and clear indicates a happy year. But when accompanied by rain, for better times our hopes are vain."
When Daddy and I went to feed the chickens today, every one was accounted for, the rooster and the kids, but after some sort of ruckus down at the creek last evening, I don't know if the hen is alright. She comes off the nest on the 14th and I do hope she makes it. Nothing to do but wait until we see little ones running around.
Our grandson Tyler and his friend Michael spent a few days with us and it was so good to see them. We love Tyler.
Heather and Ruby drove from Summersville in order to take Daddy to his pacemaker check at a clinic in Charleston. We just love when they visit with us and we are so thankful for Heather's help.
Daddy is doing fine and doesn't have any more appointments for another three months. He's really doing well and has a great appetite.
Glen Siers and I four-wheeled up Walker to visit with Wanda Richards, Genie Bailey her husband Todd (who is Glen's grandson) and their daughter Ariah. All of us drove up the hill through the woods to their cabin that Wanda and Gene built on the very top. You can see four counties. What a beautiful place to be.
The cabin has a porch all the way around and it is well kept and clean as nature should be. We did have a nice time. Wanda recently returned home from vacationing in Mexico and had a great visit with her family in Phoenix.
Would like to wish Glen Siers a speedy recovery from minor surgery he had in Spencer the 25th.
Jamie Jarvis' son Ryan has been through having a staph infection and was in Women and Children's' Hospital in Charleston for a week.
He was unable to walk and there was talk about amputating one of his legs. Rose had it, and went through some strong antibiotics and Ryan had his antibiotic through an IV at home. The ordeal lasted a long time.
Jamie and Ryan stopped by to visit with me and when I talked with Ryan he said he could walk now. The poor little guy. You could tell he had it rough and I'm glad he's going to be OK now.
Daddy and I planted our second round of corn and beans Saturday evening. He hoed some weeds and I was pulling them. I also constructed a scare crow lady. Haven't seen any crows so far. I'll just keep changing the way she looks now and again.
The little chicken didn't make it through a recent night, with only a few feathers left as evidence.
Rascal the little kitten was having runny eyes and nose problems and I read keeping it outside would help it along.
Late one night, I heard a ruckus on the front porch and when I turned on the light, a big coon had it by the neck.
I was yelling and it just took off with the kitten into the dark.
Daddy and I just don't have any luck with pets except for these game chickens that take care of themselves. We go out to the chicken house and feed them corn everyday and just sit back and watch them. The hens are setting on eggs somewhere, so I suppose we'll see little ones around the 14th of July.
Blaine King visited with us Sunday evening. We sat outside under the car port had coffee and watched for ground hogs.
Blaine brought me some chicken wire with stakes attached for my cucumbers to climb and I'll have enough to stake my tomatoes.
Blaine said he's not going to have a garden now that Delphia is gone. He misses her and we talk about her a lot.
It's hot here on the West Fork and hardly any water in the creek, but it's beautiful.
Everyone have a wonderful week!