We are encouraging our readers to express their thoughts, feelings and
opinions about our national tragedy. If you have not done so, please e-mail
us at bob@hurherald.com or FAX at 304-354-6183 or snail mail at HC65-Box
120, Mt. Zion WV 26151.

Attack on America! That is a headline that no American resident wants to
read, but it is reality. The terrorist attacks on the United States was
totally unexpected, and we find ourselves in a state of shock, terror, and
outrage. We want to retaliate and make those responsible for this
catastrophe pay "eye for an eye". After all, innocent lives were lost in an
act that shows no respect for humanity.
Thousands of American men, women and children woke up and prepared
themselves for what they thought to be another ordinary day in their lives.
People readied themselves for work, school, travel and exploration. The sun
was shining, the skies were blue, and the beauty of life was taken for
Everyday there are stories on the television, radios, and magazines of
lives destroyed by disease, disasters, and cruelty. However, many people
find themselves thinking that it would never happen to them. The attack of
the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the questionable third target will
be forever marked in American history as proof that nobody is exempt from
Disaster hit and, of course, everyone is in a state of shock, denial, and
pain. We can not believe that someone would be capable of disregarding the
value of life. We can not believe that such a disaster could happen to us.
We can not believe that our loved ones are gone.
While holding on to hope that our loved ones are not gone, we are
focusing on revenge to those responsible for our pain. We have our best
searching for facts that will lead us to those who are responsible for our
grief. While that is happening, we Americans need to rely on each other for
support. We need to realize what is truly important in life. We need to
treasure our families, our friends, and our peers. We need to turn to each
other for support and resolution. When this is done, we as Americans will be
able to win "the war" as one...Martha Bunch

As I drove to work this morning, I came into Spencer around 10. I was
listening to WVRC and Toby announced that they were starting the remembrance
segment. As I crossed the bridge and started into Spencer, an unaccompanied
version of The Star Spangled Banner came across the radio. As I was sitting
at the red light waiting to come into town, there were American flags flying
regally on every store front in town. It was quite a moving moment. I, like
every other American, am shocked and appalled at the act of cowardice that
has been perpetrated against this great nation. I am hopeful that
retaliation will be swift and severe. But more importantly, I feel for the
families of the victims of this horrific nightmare. I hold the utmost
admiration for those that are working diligently at the sites. This act was
perpetrated in an attempt to bring the country to its knees. Little did they
know that it would unite every American and bring about a common bond that
is stronger than any strike anyone could ever bring against us. To the
victims families and friends, my deepest condolences. To the workers, my
highest admiration. And to the cowards that brought this attack, I will
sleep easier knowing that you will burn in hell for what you have wrought on
this country!!...Chuck Kendall

What do you do when the world you thought you knew so well turns into total
chaos? Do you sit and talk with friends, calmly and without emotion, or do
you rage out against everyone with anger? For me, I didn't know what to say
or do on September 11, 2001. Nor do I know what to do now. I remember that
I was walking around the library on Marshall's campus when I began to hear
bits and pieces of what had happened only an hour ago. Maybe I was just
being a stubborn teenager and once again just did not want to listen to what
my elders were saying, or maybe the whole idea that the World Trade Center
had been attacked was just to bizarre a story to believe. In time standing
seconds what I did not want to believe became a harsh reality. My first
reaction was to grab my cell phone and call my Mom back home and ask her what
in the world was going on. She told me what I already knew, but yet still
did not want to believe. I walked slowly into the student center where
everyone imaginable was huddled around the one TV in the room and that's when
I broke down. On the screen there was a picture of NYC, but this time...the
NYC I once knew was just a cloud of dark green, black and gray smoke. I
don't remember how much I cried, not because of what I saw...but because
of all the people I automatically knew had to have been killed. What
possesses people to do such a horrible thing to so many innocent bystanders?
My heart goes out to the lives abruptly taken from this world, to the
families that lost a loved one...to the families still in hope that their
friend or family member is still alive and to everyone else in the world that
feels the emotion and the anger that I do. I'm only 18 years old, and I've
never experienced a war, or such a horrible occasion as this...but I know
just like the next person that my life is never going to be the same because
of some ignorant and cowardly people...Sophie Voelkel

There are 3 Calhounians here together in Parkersburg and we would like
to give our opinion. First of all God Bless America. We strongly feel
prayer should be brought back in the schools and saying the pledge of
allegiance to the flag like we did when we went to school.
Some of the
strongest values in our lives comes from our school years and if we
leave God out, some of our children will never hear about him.
Words cannot express how we feel for the victims and their families and
the heart felt sympathy we feel for them, but we are a strong people and
we will overcome this but will never forget the horror of September 11... Rose
Minney class of 64...Betty Harvey class of 70...Bernice Sampsonclass
of 57 |