(Front-left to right) Jacob Richards, Kenneth Carpenter,
Seth Jarvis, Drew Metheney (Rear-left to right) Maria Kisner,
Anna Sampson, Emily Thomas, Cassie Mullins, Beth Richards

(Front-left to right) Matt Houchin, Emily Thomas, Kayla
Miller, Haylie McKinstry, Beth Richards, Drew Metheney
(Rear-left to right) Jacob Richards, Briana Blankenship,
Melissa Jarvis, Hannah Wilson, Michaela Yoak
By Bob Weaver
It was a night of honoring academic achievement at Calhoun High School, with nine students inducted into the National Honor Society and twelve students inducted into Mu Alpha Theta, an international math society that has 1,000 chapters in the US.
Sponsor Amy Fitzwater said "We are proud of the achievements of this group of students," who have maintained at least a 3.5 average, "although most have made straight-A's."
Fitzwater said the qualities for membership in the society are represented by scholarship, leadership, service and character.
Emily Thomas kneels to be inducted
into NHS by President, Jake Wagoner
The National Honor Society students were inducted in a ceremony which asks the honored student to kneel and be touched with a sword. The ceremony was conducted by NHS officers Jake Wagoner, president; Amanda May, vice-president; Jamie Kennedy, secretary; Matthew Houchin, treasurer; and Kayla Miller, historian.
NHS Inductees: Seniors, Jacob Richards and Seth Jarvis; Juniors, Kenneth Carpenter, Cassie Mullins, Beth Richards and Emily Thomas; Sophomores, Maria Kisner, Andrew Metheney and Anna Sampson.
Fitzwater indicated there are stringent requirements for membership in Mu Alpha Theta, requiring a student to have completed at least three college prep math courses, in addition to high-grade averages.
Principal Karen Kirby accepted the new members, Senior, Jacob Richards; Juniors, Briana Blankenship, Amie Carilli, Matt Houchin, Melissa Jarvis, Haylie McKinstry, Kayla Miller, Beth Richards, Emily Thomas and Michaela Yoak; Sophomores, Hannah Wilson and Andrew Metheney.
Mu Alpha Theta officers: President Jamie Kennedy, Vice-President Amanda May, Secretary Amanda Oldham, Treasurer Hanna Law and Historian Jake Wagoner.