Calhoun Dental Staff - Dentist Lynn Gilbert (front)
(back left -right) Bobbi Moss and Hygienist Amber Knapp
Submitted by Barb McKown
Calhoun Dental Clinic sponsored "Give Kids A Smile Day" at Arnoldsburg Elementary School. The event was held Wednesday, March 21. The program is a national campaign to allow dental access to children regardless of their economic status.
In 2006, this campaign provided $38 million in dental education, screening, treatment and products to over half a million children around the country by over 39,000 dental team members.
The Calhoun Dental Clinic, a division of Minnie Hamilton Health Care Center, Inc., became a Give Kids A Smile partner for the 2007 Campaign year. MHHCC contracted with Arnoldsburg Elementary School to provide free dental exams, cleanings and fluoride treatments to any student who did not have dental insurance.
There were seventeen students enrolled. Each student was examined by Dr. Lynn Gilbert and then received a cleaning and fluoride treatment from Dental Hygienist Amber Knapp. The students were given a small packet of dental supplies including a toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, tracker and stickers.
Dr. Lynn Gilbert said, "Overall, I feel today was a huge success. This was our first try with this program and we hope to offer it again soon."