2005: Some faces and places in Calhoun's small county seat of Grantsville.
Ringing the bell for the less fortunate (left) Mike Ritchie and Brenda McBride creating the Senior Center's Christmas tree (right)

Linda Fivecoat takes time to decorate her beauty parlor (left) and pizza makers Meloney Villers and Tabitha Collins take a 60-second break (right)

Pam Davis wears her cheerful smile to welcome customers to Family Dollar (left) while the crew at Baker's Mart "clown it up"(right)

Jessie Ferguson has the holiday spirit at Minnich's (left) while Holly Burch completes the tree at attorney Howley's office (right)

Calhoun Banks always takes pride in their "lobby tree" (left) while Charlie Whipkey performs his magic at his new shop (right)

Darlene Wilkison at Silk Plus touches up her Christmas tree (left) and the J & B Drug Store folks spread their good cheer (right)

The NAPA folks gave away this great bike (left) while Michelle Goodrich (next door) places a final ornament (right)

Mary Reed does the lobby tree at DHHR (left) and the Koffee Kup is decorated from top to bottom (with lots of coffee available)

Nancy Ritchie at Pursley's Furniture has the best window decor (left) and the library ladies, Amy Cooper and Lisa Walker, have a few laughs (right)

Rite Aid's Marlene Richards gets last minute toys ready (left) Jordan Lee Yoak,
son of Donna and Eddie Yoak and Kaylin Elizabeth Parsons, daughter
of Paul and Lori Parsons, doing their last minute shopping