EARLY CALHOUN TRAGEDIES - Yellow Creek, Industry, Arnoldsburg, Creston

Transcribed by Norma Knotts Shaffer from microfilm of the Calhoun Chronicle for MOMENTS IN TIME


A couple of shooting affrays are reported from Yellow Creek, and they are causing some little excitement in that locality. The circumstances, as we gleaned them from one of the parties shot at, are substantially as follows:

The daughter of James Metz was talking with a young gentleman at her home one night recently, when, at about 11 o'clock some one from the outside discharged a revolver through the window at her, the ball just grazing the side of her head and burying itself in some clothing hanging against the wall behind her.

Mr. Metz at once started in pursuit of the one firing the shot, but he succeeded in making his escape in the darkness.

In the other affair, of which we did not learn the details was that of some one firing at George Taylor, a night or two after the shot was fired at Miss Metz.

We understand the parties have some clue as to who did the shooting, but we could not learn upon whom their suspicions rest. They say, however, they will probe the affair to the bottom and bring the guilty party to justice.


Word reaches us that Otis Mills, of Industry, was accidentally shot last Friday with a 38-caliber revolver, by his friend and companion, a young man by the name of Keener.

The ball took effect in the lower bowels, and it is said the injured man can not recover. We have been unable to obtain the details of the affair, but it is said it was wholly accidental, and that young Keener is prostrated with grief.

The parties live just over the Wirt Co. line on Straight creek, and Mills is a son of Jack Mills who was so badly beaten and robbed by Jock Ernest and his confederates a few weeks ago.


One of the saddest events that has happened in our county for some time occurred about a mile above Arnoldsburg last Monday afternoon, when Lory Coger, a boy of about 17 or 18 years of age committed suicide by shooting himself with a shot gun.

He rested the but of the gun on the fence by the side of the road and placing the muzzle on his breast, then reaching forward, he pulled the trigger. The charge of shot entered the right breast and passed almost entirely through the body, killing him instantly.

No cause can be assigned for the rash act, but it is generally supposed that he had been disappointed in a love affair.

The tragedy occurred in the public road, near the home of Andy Mace, about one mile above Arnoldsburg, and was witnessed by Mrs. "Shug" Mace and daughter. The unfortunate young man told some of his friends that he was going to kill himself, but they did not pay any heed to his words, thinking that he was only jesting.

He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coger, both of whom are living, and reside near the scene of the tragedy. He was respected and liked by every one in that neighborhood. He was honest, upright and truthful, and no one ever dreamed of him taking his own life. The remains were interred Wednesday morning at the Spring Run Cemetery.


A deplorable tragedy occurred at Creston on Friday night which resulted in the death of Dorr Stewart, as the result of wounds by his own gun, the accident occurring while a crowd was engaged in serenading a newly wedded couple.

The victim of the tragedy, eighteen years of age, was the son of Dr. and Mrs. D.S. Stewart of Creston. He with a number of other young people went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pell, who were married on Thursday, for the purpose of giving the couple a noisy serenade.

Young Stewart had a shot gun, and while he was on the steps of the Pell home the gun slipped from his grasp, the hammer striking the edge of the step, discharging the weapon, the entire load striking him alongside his face, tearing away the entire cheek and it is believed at that some of the charge entered his brain.

The Steamer Edith H. was secured and the wounded boy placed aboard with the intention of rushing him through to a Parkersburg hospital, but he succumbed a short distance below Burning Springs and his body was returned to Creston where funeral services were held Sunday. The young man was popular in his home community and the shocking accident cast a gloom over the entire vicinity.