Three Calhoun women celebrated their college graduations over the weekend at the home of Loretta Smith of Grantsville.
 Judy Metz (pictured left), wife of Doug Metz of Chloe, graduated from
Charleston Technical College with a two year degree from the Medical Assistant
Program. She is the mother of Eric and Cory Metz, and daughter of Fred and
Eloise Norman Church.
 Loretta Smith (pictured right) of Grantsville, graduated from Glenville State
College Saturday. She has a double major, a Bachelor of Science in Behavioral
(Psychology) and a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. Loretta also has
obtained her certification in Forensic Death
Investigation and will be attending Cincinnati Children's Hospital this month to
obtain her certification in Forensic Interviewer
Training. She has also completed a certification in Substitute Teaching.
April McCroskey (pictured left), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCroskey
of Grantsville, graduated from Glenville State College this past weekend. She has
a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. April has also
completed her certification in Substitute Teaching.
"It has been an exciting day for us and our families," said Loretta, who organized the celebration for a number of family and friends who spent the afternoon.
There was plenty of barbecued items and special foods to satisfy the hungriest person.

Four generations (left to right) Dustin Carpenter, Loretta Smith, Iris Lemon and Mabel Marks

Left to Right - Loretta Smith. Mae Lemon and Frances Maeson

Master "barbecuer" Keith Smith helps with the meal