RUSSELL LYNCH #1 ON INDIEWORLD CHART - His Voice Sinks Deep Into The Spirit

By Bob Weaver

Calhoun connected Russell Lynch has hit number one on the IndieWorld Country Music chart this week with his single "Stuck in Between" (Emily Brooke Records/New Country). IndieWorld recognizes and promotes the top independent country artists of the world.

Lynch the son of Ronzil Lynch of Mt. Zion and grandson of the late Russell and Madelyn Stutler Lynch, has his roots deep and wide with Sunny Cal families. The Lynchs and the Stutlers are Calhoun originals, mountain people, who have lived and breathed close to the sod. It is from there the talent has come, although most of them have never been famous, except to us.

Young Lynch's talents, beyond some of the best lyrics you'll ever hear, is his voice. When I first heard him sing in my living room in downtown Hur a few years ago, I commented he has one of those "I'll take you there" sounds that bores deep into the listener's spirit.

Beyond his enormous talent, he is one great guy. We miss his presence in Sunny Cal.

It is one hard thing to make it professionally in the music world, even with great talent.

Let us hope Russ beats the odds.

Photo courtesy of Indie World Country