MORE THAN 1,000 LEADS ON SNIPER CASE - Kanawha Arrests Are Up

The Charleston sniper shootings have moved from a "crisis situation " to a more permanent investigation phase, according to officials.

A number of FBI agents assigned to the task force have left the investigation. And the national media trucks and reporters have moved on to other pressing events.

Recent shootings and murders in Charleston have been more routine, unconnected with the sniper scenario.

Investigators have been unable to round up any suspects in three fatal sniper-style shootings at convenience stores, but they have arrested 93 people in other cases because of increased patrols, surveillance and drug investigations, according to the Kanawha County Sheriff's Department.

The number of arrests is unusual for the area.

"The concept is to put pressure on the people in that area who are violating the law,'' said Chief Deputy Phil Morris. "Our solvability factor has increased because of the increased manpower.'' Drug dealers are also a focus of the investigation.

A city, county and federal task force has received more than 1,000 leads since three people were killed by the same .22-caliber rifle.