HOUSECALLS HOSPICE OF CAMDEN-CLARK - Will Hold Hospice Volunteer Training

Submitted by Pamala Scott-Elzey
Housecalls Hospice Volunteer Services Coordinator

Housecalls Hospice of Camden-Clark Memorial Hospital will hold hospice volunteer training for patient care, bereavement and chaplains, on Saturday, June 14 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Minnora United Methodist Church in Nobe, West Virginia.

Topics to be covered will include basic hospice philosophy, family dynamics, listening skills, grief and bereavement, and signs and symptoms of a dying patient.

Patient care volunteers can make friendly visits to patients, sit with them so the caregiver can take a break, do light housework, run errands, prepare meals, or be a caring listener.

Anyone interested in becoming a hospice volunteer should register by calling 420-7151 or 800-718-1485, preferably by Thursday, June 12.

There is no cost for the training.