By Alvin Engelke

There will be a benefit auction Saturday, April 5, starting at 6:30 P. M. at the Creston Community Building. Proceeds go to maintain the building. Bobby Ray will be there with all sorts of goodies, along with the 50/50, grab bags, conversation and fun. The 'big room' has been repainted and everyone is urged to come and see the fine work done by Fred, Ted, Ed, Jack, Rod and a whole slew of volunteers. There has also been a lot of decoration done, primarily by Betty, although there is still a need for a picture of George Washington such as was common in schools before they got "modern" and quit teaching about the father of our nation, who, by the way, surveyed and owned land down in the next county, etc.

There will also be a sing at the Creston Community Building on Saturday, April 12, starting at 7 P. M. All singers, musicians and the public are invited.

Of course the Creston area Poker Run is set for April 26.

Rev. Carlos Nutter filled his regular fifth Sunday appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

While spring had been in full swing with blooming fruit trees, daffodils, jonquils, nesting birds, fishermen, etc. matters took a different turn Saturday evening. On Sunday morning the high ridges around Creston were snow covered and flurries continued all day long.

Local residents were saddened to learn of the unfortunate turn of events concerning Jessica Lynch who grew up on Mayberry near Palestine. She has many Creston area relatives. Her being placed in harm's way, at the hands of savages in what some would call a [expletive deleted] World Country can be laid at the lap of the harridans at the National Organization of Women who willingly sacrificed her on the altar of political correctness. One can be sure that Molly Yard, Patricia Ireland, Bella Abzug and the fat legged lady in the Mao suit will not raise a finger to help her, or for that matter, others so situate. Some of the NOW gang were beside themselves with pride that women were now POWs. They noted that the female casualties will be mostly poor whites and ghetto blacks [who are expendable].

While Peter Arnett showed his true colors and others have come out on the side of the Hitler wannabe (Saddam), many local residents wouldn't have too much of a problem if the difficulty over there was solved by a bomb that would make Iraq glow for 1000 years. Such would serve as a reminder for would be terrorists. It was learned that they used the movie Black Hawk Down as a training manual.

While the unemployment level of the area remains high, as opposed to other states, the folks at the Heartwood Fund (they now own or control the former Westvaco properties) decided not to provide jobs for the locals as they fetched in a crew of Mexicans to plant the clear cuts at the head of Pete's Run and other barren areas in the county. One might say that the big sucking sound was brought close to home.

George and Cynthia Engelke were visiting relatives and friends in the area. They came to enjoy the spring weather and got to experience the snow. They noted that some keep track of them by reading the Creston news.

Harold Stutler went off on a fishing expedition the other day.

The Wirt road crew was cleaning up the downed trees along W. Va. Route 5 that came down during the ice storm.

R. L. Phillips noticed an orange item in a tree along the dePue straight on his way to work one morning. He stopped and found a balloon and a weather instrument called a radiosonde and a battery. The instructions stated that the radiosonde was to be mailed back to NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency. The information stated that the radiosonde operated as a transmitter which was tracked to a height of 17 miles above the earth.

The price of local crude oil rose back to $27/bbl although it is difficult to sell oil locally. Ohio Oil Gathering, which has the old Eureka facilities, had to shut down the oil line past Brooksville and tanker trucks are hauling 7 days a week to take the oil on its way to the Ohio River in Pleasants County. Also, a new approach was installed at the Brooksville station.

Some local residents have been suffering from intestinal disorders. The SARS disease which started in Communist China now has a big hold in Toronto and appears to be spreading, world wide. It well could be that it, like the West Nile virus, are presents from those who call for "Death to the infidels". Perhaps our anthem should be the old hymn, Onward Christian Soldiers.

Tobacco growers are concerned that programs implemented by prior administrations will abolish tobacco farming in America so that folks in Madagascar, Brazil and elsewhere can grow the crop and ship the finished products to our country.

Auction Saturday, April 5 starting at 6:30 P. M. at the Creston Community Building. Pepperoni, cheese, tools, lamps, knick knacks, grab bags, tools, etc. Bobby Ray Starcher 890-03. For details contact Donna Sue at 275-3202.