
CHARLESTON WV (WOWK) – “When I hit it, it just shot chills through my body… it was just really exciting to me,” said Josie Montgomery.

A three pointer… that meant more than just ‘three points’ to Josie Montgomery, player for Calhoun County Middle-High School's Lady Red Devils.

“My sister and her kid came out and he gave me a big ol’ hug and it was so sweet,” she said. “Then she gave me the banner she got me that had my name and me doing 1,000 points.”

A big celebration because she hit 1,000… while honoring someone special.

“My brother, he passed away in 2017,” she said. “And he was a former athlete as well, and he played basketball.”

Josie’s brother Sam also played basketball for Calhoun High, and he wore the number ten.

Her family lost Sam tragically to suicide four years ago.

“Kaylan Parsons let me wear the number 10,” said Montgomery. “That was her number before, but she let me wear it because that was his number.”

“Chills ran down ya,” said Montgomery’s head coach Kevin Boak. “Because you knew what it meant to her, and that number 10, and her family… so yeah we were all so proud.”

In addition to the banner, the flowers, and the pictures… “They awarded me with his home basketball jersey,” said Montgomery with a smile on her face.

Now, her big brother’s jersey hangs on her wall, for her to see… every day.