GOVERNOR'S WIFE FOUND NOT GULTY - The jury in the case of Mrs. Atkinson, wife of Governor Atkinson, charged with forgery, today returned a verdict of not guilty. The cause is one of peculiar interest, and arose out of the settlement of Mrs. Atkinson's administration of a relatives estate. Source: The Kearney Daily Hub (Kearney, Nebraska) Wednesday, June 8, 1898.

GILMER MAN ROBBED $575 - Mr. Alex. Armstrong of Gilmer county was waylaid several weeks ago, felled from his horse, and robbed of about $575 in bank bills. The Weston Herald says two white men have been committed to the jail of Gilmer County, charged with being concerned in the villainous assault. [The Daily Dispatch.(Richmond [Va.], February 20, 1854]

THUGS ESCAPE JAIL - Elizabeth, W.Va., May 28 - Tom Haggerty and Mel McCloskey, notorious toughs who were taken from here to the Grantsville, Gilmer County jail a few weeks ago, to await trial on several serious charges, escaped Thursday, and are now frequenting their old haunts, heavily armed, terrorizing citizens and defying the authorities, who stand in deadly fear of them. Friday night they visited the telephone office at Creston, called up the Grantsville jailer and guyed him upon their easy escape. Preparations are being made to attempt their recapture, which, it is expected, may result in bloodshed. [The Big Stone Gap Post, (Big Stone Gap, Wise County, Va.) May 31, 1894)

ROCK FIGHT - French Hays of Gilmer is reported got into a fight at the Tyler county fair and hit a man with a rock, breaking his skull. The man has since died. Source: Wheeling Register (Wheeling, West Virginia) Monday, October 4, 1886}

MURDERED BODY FOUND NEAR GLENVILLE - Cleveland, August 5 - John Johnson, who was arrested yesterday on suspicion of being the murderer of Andrew Johnson, whose body was found near Glenville last Monday, made a confession today. He says he and Andrew went to Glenville Saturday, and on the way sat down in a field. Both were under the influence of liquor and soon got into a quarrel, which resulted in a fight and the death of Andrew. The prisoner accompanied the officers to where he had concealed the murdered man's property, which was recovered. [August 6, 1874, Wheeling Register (Wheeling, WV)

GILMER CLEMENCY - Convicts Who have Received Executive Clemency Gov. J. B. Jackson yesterday transmitted to the Senate the following list of persons pardoned by him, with their offenses and reasons for the clemency:

F. E. Johnson, convicted of two years for grand larceny, in Gilmer county. The prisoner was a boy and had already been imprisoned a long time awaiting trial. [Wheeling Register, March 16, 1882)

PAYNE BROTHERS ARRESTED FOR MOONSHINING - The Worthington Advance (Worthington, MN), December 13, 1888) John, William, Joseph Payne, moonshiners, were captured on the 7th at Cedar Creek, W. Va., by a large posse of revenue officers and deputies.

BONES AND BRAINS FOUND AT GLENVILLE, BODY DEVOURED BY PANTHERS - The scattered bones, brains, flesh and tattered clothing of Jerome M. McIntosh were found in the woods about a mile from his home near Glenville, West Virginia, from which he has been missing for about three weeks. Supposed he was murdered, on account of finding a bloody club, and that his body was torn and devoured by panthers. Source: The Republic (Columbus, Indiana) November 25, 1884)

MOONSHINER CAPTURED - Jeff Taylor, Known as the boldest moonshiner in West Virginia, and who has for years evaded arrest, was captured in Braxton county last week and landed in the Gilmer county jail by revenue officers. [Staunton Spectator and Vindicator. Staunton, Va. October 13, 1898]