
Calhoun Superintendent of Schools Kelli Whytsell has released a fluid document that may need to be added to and updated as more information becomes available.

This article will continue to be repeated and updated.

All additions and updates will be communicated to board members through email between board meetings and will be updated at the next regularly scheduled board meeting.

This was developed in partnership with the county administrators and school leadership teams meeting through TEAMS.


Calhoun County Schools will hold graduation on Friday, June 26 @ 7:00 (alternative date August 7).

Practice for graduation will take place the day before the event. Time will be decided later.

Calhoun County Schools will hold Prom on Saturday, June 13, (alternative date August 1).

Calhoun County Schools will hold the High Honor banquet on June 23 (alternative date August 4).

Calhoun County Schools Academic Awards will be recognized at school in the Fall.

Sports Awards - Coaches will vote, and students will be recognized virtually, and letters will be passed out next year.

Washington DC, 8th Grade trip will be scheduled as soon as possible.

4th Grade Field Trips will be scheduled as soon as possible. The senior trip will be scheduled as soon as possible.

Summer Sports Camps July 13-July 31st.

Honor Society Inductions TBD. These dates are subject to change due to the COVID-19 suggested guidelines. Calhoun County Schools will work in partnership with MOVHD.

Cleaning out lockers/returning books:

If possible, a 4th grade get together will be scheduled before school starts by elementary schools. If not, arrangements will be made to get things.

Seniors: Will clean out lockers and return books at the graduation practice.

School Starting Information: Due to not having a schedule Move Up Day for students this semester, we will stagger the start dates for students next Fall. Schools and teachers will collaborate virtually on students moving from one grade to the next.

Preschool Packets for all Schools will be accepted July 20-July 24 at the Calhoun County Board of Education office. Preschool Packets may also be picked up at that time.

Kindergarten students will start on Wednesday, August 19.

5th-grade students will start on Wednesday, August 19.

9th-grade students will start on Wednesday, August 19.

All other students will start on Thursday, August 20.

Employee Recognition (CMHS) - Monday, August 17, 2020 (12:00 p.m.).

All employees will be at CMHS for professional development. Teacher/Service Employee of the Year will be recognized at this time Employee Picnic (Calhoun County Park Barn) – Tuesday, August 11, 2020 (5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.)

Calhoun County Block Party - Tuesday, August 18, 2020 (5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.)

Open Houses - Arnoldsburg Elementary School - Friday, August 14, 2020 (5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.)

Calhoun Middle/High School - Tuesday, August 18, 2020, (5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.)

Pleasant Hill Elementary School - Tuesday, August ___, 2020 (5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Guidance for this semester:

Calhoun County School teachers have worked to create student engagement activities to facilitate a continuing of learning these activities have been posted with a link on the county website called "Snow Packet Link". We also have posted on our Facebook pages the link to the state department Student engagement link,, and also shared the PBS information on the broadcasting of the lessons.

West Virginia Remote Learning Framework: CTE Guidance:

Teachers are contacting students weekly by phone or google voice.

Teachers have Facebook messenger groups, Remind App, Class Dojo, and Google Classroom, where they are sharing engagement activities.

Teachers are accommodating special education students and students that are having difficulty with specific skills through video chats using FaceTime or FB Messenger and phone conversations.

Facebook Live and Edpuzzle are being used to provide instruction and modeling on activities that require additional understanding. They are also having challenges, a virtual spirit week, and an Easter hat day. CMHS teachers are sharing suggested engagement activities in their LiveGrades, which are emailed to students and parents through daily updates. Students are emailing or sending pictures of activities.

Mrs. Sands and Mr. Sterns have provided computers to students that need computers. These computers were from a program called Second Launch and were free to the county.

Some teachers are having virtual class meetings. Our student services that include counselors, social workers, and the school nurse have continually contacted students. They are surveying for basic needs such as medical, hygiene needs, or other needs.

The HS counselor has continued to provide scholarships and dual credit enrollment activities. Special Education IEP meetings and Eligibility meetings are being held with administration, related service providers, teachers, and parents.

 Providing enrichment activities virtually for those that would like to take part in more challenges.

For example, Epic is being utilized for encouraging reading. iReady and Prodigy are being monitored for engagement, and students are able to utilize these as well. Reteach and feedback are being given for those needed. Modifications are being suggested and communicated virtually and/or over the phone for those needed.

Career Center will be contacting students that are interested in attending to set up interviews with those students to select the successful applicant. After the students are identified, the CC will notify CMHS so that student's schedules can be created.

Child Nutrition:

We are providing 5-day meal packs each week with the help of employees. We are passing out 5 breakfast and 5 lunches each week.

To date, we have distributed almost 54,000 meals. Meals will be distributed every Friday from 11:00-2:00 at Calhoun Middle High School.

Meal Delivery Schedule:

Friday, April 24, 2020, from 11:00-2:00
Friday, May 1, 2020, from 11:00-2:00
Friday, May 8, 2020, from 11:00-2:00
Friday, May 15, 2020, from 11:00-2:00
Friday, May 22, 2020, from 11:00-2:00
Friday, May 29, 2020, from 11:00-2:00
June TBD

Our teachers have not only stepped up to the challenge of virtual instruction. They have been creative/imaginative in their engagement activities, working with students.

 Principals and Teachers will work together through TEAMS to identify essential standards that were not taught during the 4th nine weeks this year. 

  These essential standards will be communicated with the next year's teachers, along with the instructional plans designed to teach these essential standards.

  These standards will be the focus of the first 4 weeks of the first semester of the 20-21 school year.   It is essential that all students have the chance to master these foundational skills. 

      Closing up classrooms/ Teacher sign out:

  When it has been determined that we will not be returning to school, each principal will set up a schedule for teachers to come in and close up classrooms.  This will need to be done quickly so that custodians can start the summer cleaning process.