
Ms. Sims and Mrs. Fox

The 3rd and 4th grade teachers at Pleasant Hill School have a vast amount of classroom experience – 67 years between the four of them with most of it being spent at PHE. Mrs. Fox (12 years teaching experience) and Mrs. Ritchie (21 years) teach English/language arts and social studies, Mrs. Sims (16 years of experience) and Mrs. Whited (18 years) teach math and science.

Mrs. Ashley Fox says, "The highlight of my teaching career is when you first see in the face of a student the visible signs of the 'got it' moment and then you hear the words, 'now I get it.' That never gets old." She quotes Ann Lieberman, "Great teachers empathize with children, respect them, and believe that each one has something special that can be built upon."

Ms. Angela Sims believes in "high expectations, rules, and a respect between students and teachers, a respect that goes both ways. I believe in the Golden Rule – Luke 6:31. I enjoy teaching at PHE and working with my co-teacher, Ashley Fox. We have the same values and expectations so we make a good team."

Mrs. Jan Whited believes in the Karl Menninger saying "What a teacher is, is more important than what he teaches." She loves showing her students kindness , compassion and her love of learning.

Mrs. Kristi Ritchie's teaching philosophy is based on a quote from James Comer, "No significant learning can occur without a significant relationship."

Mrs. Whited (left) and Mrs. Ritchie