Calhoun county com- mission has announced the following agenda for Monday, Dec. 17's 9 a.m. meeting in the courthouse

--Call to order.

--Pledge of Allegiance.

--Approve minutes of meeting held Nov. 13.

--Delegations/requests: Tom Ullum; Upper West Fork Park; Calhoun Homes.


E-911, LEPC and OES; Wood Festival; CRI; Calhoun County Park; 4-H pro- grams; FRN; ambulance service; home confine- ment; sheriff; ambulance.

--New business.

--Old business.

--Personnel items: Res- ignation, Seth Ulderich; home confinement officer, Charles Myers.

--Little Kanawha Area Development Corp.

--Appointments to boards and authorities.

--Grants, contracts, ap- plications and resolutions.

--Erroneous tax assess- ments/consolidations.

--Fiduciary items.

--Financial items: In- house transfer #3; budget transfer #5.

--Invoices paid, need to be approved.

--Invoices to be ap- proved for payment.

--Financial statement: November.

--Bonds, wills, settle- ments and orders.

--Executive session.

--Adjournment: Next meeting, Monday, Jan. 7