WCBA BEEKEEPERS MEET - New Beekeepers Build Frames


From left, WCBA master beekeepers Larry Siers and Scotty Rush
Jr. show new beekeepers Clark Ramsey, Judy Goodwin, Brian
Firestine, David Kelly and Tonya Kelly how to build bee frames

Submitted by Al Darman Secretary, WCBA

The recent meeting of the West Central Beekeepers Association, was called to order by President Dale Cunningham, Al Parsons led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance. There were 46 members and guests present which included the President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Dale reminded members to register their colonies and sign up for the FSA ELAP program insures against bee losses. Dale said he would invite the FSA Representative to attend our next meeting and sign up interested members.

The Clay county beekeepers association is holding a series of classes on beekeeping. The cost is $20. Interested parties can contact paula.darnell@frontier.com

Chuck Connors reported the WCBA bee survey to date has 36 out of 61 members reporting. Of a reported total of 179 colonies at the start of last year, 95 were lost. Losses were reported due to weather (13), spraying (2), unknown and/or colony collapse (5), and lack of food (3). Members also reported 3000 lbs. of honey collected and most treat their hives to keep their bees healthy.

Current nominations for officers for 2019 are: President, Marc Suidet and Paul Krashoc; Secretary, Judy Goodwin; Treasurer, Meagan Workman. Any member interested in running for any office, please contact the current Secretary at the next meeting.

Al Parsons volunteered to negotiate next year's rent with the COA.

On motion by Larry Siers, seconded by Scottie Rush Jr. and carried by voice vote, the members authorized Dale to purchase for resale to members up to 30 50 lb. blocks of fondant.

The members also voted by voice vote to use the remaining $1000 of the My Community Foundation Grant as $500 for feed and $500 for medication. Members must purchase thru the club or provide receipts for expenditures to be eligible for cost sharing of these items.

Congratulations to WCBA President Dale Cunningham for being named by the Calhoun county conservation district as Farmer of the Year.

Don't forget the Honey Products Show on Sept. 8th from 10:00 to 6:00 at the Arnoldsburg Community Center. A big thanks to Brenda Tatterson for all her hard work in putting the show together.

New beekeeper Thomas DeVries (left) tries his hand at building bee hive frames.

After the meeting was adjourned, members began work with the new beekeepers building bee frames. Each new beekeeper was also given a new bee hive box built and donated by Larry and Marianne Siers. Anyone who would like to participate in future builds please give your name to Marianne Siers.