FIVE YEARS AGO: FLASH FLOOD STRIKES BARNES RUN AREA - Houses Surrounded By Water, Equipment Washed Away


Flash flood waters surrounds Sheriff Jeff Starchers house on
Barnes Run, destroying equipment on other parts of the creek

7/27/2018 - A flash flood struck the Barnes Run section of Calhoun before noon Friday causing considerable damage to equipment and isolating several homes.

It was the worst flooding in a least two decades.

Flood water was surrounding the residence of Sheriff Jeff Starcher, but did not enter his dwelling. Starcher said he managed to get his vehicles out of the way.

While access to other residences was blocked by the water, at least three dwellings were surrounded by water, unclear on whether it entered the houses.

The NWS issued a Flash Flood Warning directed toward Calhoun Friday morning.

There was no flooding in adjacent streams, Sinking Springs, Daniels Run, Pine Creek and Rowels Run, just pinpointed on the Barnes Run area.

Barnes Run stretches from Mt. Zion to the Walnut Grove Church on the West Fork of the Little Kanawha, about eight miles.

Flooding was reported on Coon Fork and on Triplett Run in Roane County.

Area had downed trees and mudslides