Summer Boost Express Tentative Bus Schedule

Summer Boost Express first day in session will be Monday, June 18

Bus Schedule A.M. Routes

North/Marshall Bever Bus #4 - Start DHHR (Dept. of Human Resources) 7:20 AM; Pleasant Hill Elementary 7:27 AM; Route 16 - Five Forks Store 7:32 AM; Route 16 - Entrance to Yellow Creek 7:38 AM; Yellow Creek Road to Route 5 East 7:53 AM; Route 5 East Calhoun County Courthouse 8:03 AM; Route 16 South Foodland 8:07 AM; Arnoldsburg School 8:30 AM.

South/Kenneth McCumbers Bus #22 - Start Calhoun County Bus Garage 7:10 AM; Route 16 S-Route 33/119W Henry's Fork 7:30 AM; Route 33/119E White Oak (West Fork Riding Ring) 8:00 AM; Route 33/119W to Arnoldsburg School 8:30 AM.

Bus Schedule P.M. Routes - Reversal of morning routes with departure time from Arnoldsburg Elementary School of 3:15 PM.

There will be no midday bus runs.

These bus routes are subject to change depending upon where participants choose to board the bus. Times are estimates only and parents are asked to have children there early on the first day and be prepared to wait beyond the announced arrival time. Parents must be there to receive their children, as the bus cannot wait for long period of time.

Any changes in bus routes and/or schedules will be announced to children and parents, if possible, at least one day before changes are made.

Anyone having questions can call Nathan Haynes, 304-354-7011, Ext. 315.