
Eric Grandon shows how to install a bee package as Cathy
Flashman (in Orange) and other WCBA members look on

Submitted by Al Darman
Secretary, WCBA

The meeting was called to order by President Dale Cunningham at 1:20 pm and Al Darman led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance. There were 56 members and guests present which included all officers.

Treasurer Nancy Truppi reported the WCBA New Beekeepers Fund had a balance of $396. This newly created fund has been established by the members of the WCBA to encourage new beekeepers by monetary assistance with the purchase of the woodware required for them to practice the craft. Part of the funding for this effort will come from raffling off a hive body built and donated by Larry Siers.

Lowell Rolyson showed samples and the cost of the hats and T-shirts with the WCBA logo. Nancy Truppi took orders for the clothing.

Megan Workman offered to accept the WCBA Treasurer's post starting next year. The other offices are still open for nominations. Any interested member may apply.

Brenda Tatterson reported the planning and staffing for the Black Walnut Festival were progressing nicely. She requested members bring in items for the Tote which will be offered as a raffle prize at the Honey show. Chip Matheny volunteered to provide the plates and napkins. Al Darman reported that the Health Department will no longer come to outside locations and give classes for the health handlers cards. If we can provide enough people, a no cost class at the Health Department during working hours can be scheduled.

Dale Cunningham reminded members that the cost sharing this year covers bees, medication, and feed. Chuck Connors collected information from the members regarding bee loss for reporting to My Community Grant, which is providing the funds for the cost sharing.

Dale Cunningham presented a letter from the State Beekeepers Association President Steve Ross which reminds us of the $30,000 the State Beekeepers Association has available to reimburse speakers at local clubs. Up to $120 may be applied for each speaker. Dale asked the membership if they would be interested in a grafting class and the members indicated they would be. Dale will follow-up.

Eric Grandon of Sugar Bottom Farm, who is our bee supplier this year, said the bees are currently scheduled to be delivered by Eric to Spencer on May 26, probably late evening. Al Darman will coordinate a phone tree, if necessary, to alert the members who purchased a package or nuc of bees of the exact time of Eric's arrival in Spencer.

Eric, assisted by Bob Carpenter of Walton, then gave an interesting and informative demonstration on the installation of bee packages. Eric also offered a discount to WCBA members to future purchases. At the end of his demo, Eric gave away several items, the grand prize being a complete hive body which was won by new beekeeper and member Brian Firestine!

At 2:35 the meeting was adjourned. Larry Siers gave the Blessing and lunch was served.