Submitted by: Brandy Brabham,
WVU-Roane County Extension Agent

The WVU Extension Service in Roane County is offering its third Progressive Farmer Winter Dinner Meeting on Wednesday, March 21, 2018 at the Roane County High School Vocational Department in Spencer, WV. Participants are advised to park in the side parking lot next to greenhouse and enter through shop door. The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. with a meal provided by local sponsors, including Farm Credit and the Little Kanawha Conservation District.

Tuesday night's topic will be "Woods and Wildlife" by Dr. Dave McGill and Dr. Sheldon Owen of West Virginia University Extension Service. Dr. Owen is the wildlife specialist, while Dr. McGill is a forest resources management specialist.

This program will provide a better understanding of woodland ownership, forest ecology and the sound application of forest and wildlife management practices.  In addition, this program will direct woodland owners to available resources and assistance programs for woodland and wildlife management.  Attendance at this meeting will also be worth three (3) pesticide applicator recertification credits for categories 11 and 12. Additionally, there will be 1.5 credits available through the Society of American Foresters and 1.5 CEUs available through the International Society of Arboriculture.

Hiking, hunting, bird watching, and timbering are just a few of the uses for woodlands. If you'd like to know how to better care for your woodlands or learn more about how to manage for wildlife join us for an enjoyable and educational opportunity!

This meeting is free and open to the public, but pre-registration is requested and suggested to plan for meals by Monday, March 19, 2018. To pre-register of for more information, call the WVU-Roane County Extension Office at 304-927-0975.

This series of meetings takes place throughout the winter every year and is brought to you in part by the WVU Extension Service, the USDA's Risk Management Agency, and Farm Credit of the Virginias. A complete list of winter dinner meetings sponsored by WVU Extension can be found by stopping by the WVU-Roane County Extension Service's office located in the lower level of the Roane County Library in Spencer, WVa. or calling the local WVU-Roane County Extension Office at 304-927-0975.