LATEST CALHOUN KIDS COUNT CHILDRENS WELL BEING - Children In Poverty Drops Slightly, County Ranks 30th In 55 Counties

Calhoun ranks 30th of 55 counties in the latest Kids Count status of children's well-being (1 being best/55 worst)

Regional County Status

Braxton 45
Roane 38
Wirt 34
Clay 33
Calhoun 30
Ritchie 25
Gilmer 16

In USA, WV moved to the better from 43 to 39 in the states, but still remains among a dozen states in the south with the worst statistics.


Percent low birth-weight babies - Calhoun 8.3% (State 9.4%) Calhoun ranks 17 of 55

Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) - Calhoun 13.3% (State 7.2%) Calhoun ranks 50th of 55

Child and teen death rate (ages 1-19 per 100,000 children/teens) - Calhoun 86.4% (State 35.1%) Calhoun ranks 52 of 55

Percent children under age six who live in families with parents in the labor force - Calhoun 60.9% (State 58.3%) Calhoun ranks 19 of 55

Teen birth rate (ages 15-19 per 100,000 females) - Calhoun ranks 29.5%(State 37.4%) Calhoun ranks 15 of 55.

Percent children in poverty - 30% (State 24.7%) Calhoun ranks 42 of 55

Percent births to mothers with less than a 12th grade education - 11.3% (State 14.7%) Calhoun ranks 11 of 55

Percent of children with no health insurance - .3% (State 2.8%_ Calhoun ranks 1 of 55

Child Abuse/neglect rate (per 1,000 children) 68.7% (State 23.9%) Calhoun ranks 53 of 55

Percent four year olds enrolled in Pre-Kindergarten - 81.8% (State 71.5%) Calhoun ranks 21 of 55

Percent fourth graders who scored below proficient in reading/language arts - 42.5% (State 51.7%) Calhoun ranks 7 of 55 (P) Percent eighth graders who scored below proficient in math - 84.1% (State 73%) Calhoun ranks 46 of 55

Percent high school dropouts - 10.8% (State 7.6%) Calhoun ranks 47 of 55

Percent of children with Medicaid coverage - 48.7% (2015)