By Alvin Engelke

There will be a benefit auction Saturday January 4 starting at 6 P. M. at the Creston Community Building, weather permitting. There will be all sorts of goodies, grab bags, 50/50, etc. One can come and tell what Santa brought you and comment about all your "New Year's Resolutions". Proceeds go to maintain the building. Everyone is invited.

Rev. Carlos Nutter filled his regular fifth Sunday preaching schedule at the Burning Springs M. E. church and served Holy Communion. There were over 30 in the audience for the Christmas program at the Burning Springs church.

Emma & Lindsey Miller participated in the Christmas program at the Baptist Church in Elizabeth and Chip Boster drove down from Columbus, Ohio to watch them. Then the talented duo sang and played for the Senior Citizens in Grantsville. There were about 100 on hand for the concert.

Junior Ferrell and Roxanne came in from North Carolina and visited with Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ferrell & family, Mr. & Mrs. Albert "Bub" Ferrell and sons and other area relatives and friends.

It was reported that a small business is going to locate in Wirt County. It was noted that they will not locate in Calhoun County because of problems encountered by home schoolers.

Anna, Nancy and Alvin Engelke returned from a quick trip to Florida to visit Nancy's father who will be 95 in January. He is getting along fine and has an 80 year old girl friend who seems real nice.

In the earlier report on Anna Engelke's graduation from Fairmont State College it should have been noted (to get a perspective on the occasion) that one fellow in the audience [who looked like an old biker] wore red plastic reindeer antlers for the occasion. At least two of the faculty had gowns that looked like they had either been sleeping in them or else they had used them for pillows. Others on the faculty wore blue jeans with their gowns and traipsed up the aisle wearing "clodhopper boots" similar to what the Creston News writer wears to work. Now, everyone in Anna's family has a college degree.

The news on the world scene is the claim of a cloned baby by the Raellian cult which claims also that their leaders & guidance came from a space ship. Unfortunately this news has a connection far too close to home as their first "paying customer" in the baby cloning business was a prominent Democratic politician down at the Mouth of Elk River and their first laboratory was in a room of an abandoned high school at the Mouth of the Coal River.

No doubt reflecting the ominous news from Babylonia, North Korea and other of the world's "scenic spots" the price of local crude oil has gone up to $29/bbl.

Several new calves have arrived on area farms. Tobacco has gotten "into case" and has been worked up for sale. Some local growers are unsure if they will be able to plant and grow next year since some of the holdover anti tobacco Nazis in the federal government want to shut down domestic production so their friends in foreign nations can sell their tobacco in the United States. During a recent campaign Junior Gore opined that America could get all its food from third world countries "to help the environment".

A three dimensional seismic study has been going on over in Roane County for some time now - something the likes of which is new to this area. The area of study is between Countsville and Speed. A series of test holes are drilled 20'deep in the rock and shots are put off and the vibrations are sent, via satellite, to sophisticated recording instruments. It is hoped that the shooting does not damage water wells and springs and does not cause structural damage to buildings or initiate slips. On many of the locations the drilling rig and other equipment is moved by a helicopter. The seismic work is being done for the deep gas, a play that remains very, very active although there (apparently) is no deep drilling presently in the area.

It was reported that the Reedy post office was closed "because they could not find a new location" but a new location was offered and the officials declined even to answer letters.

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Rhodes & daughters were calling in the Creston area Christmas eve.

Don't forget the auction Saturday, January 4, 2003 at the Creston Community Building. Cheese, pepperoni, tools, lamps, knick knacks, 50/50, grab bags, yummies, etc. Everyone welcome. For details contact Donna Sue at 275-3202. Bobby Ray Starcher 890-03.