DANIELS RUN NEWS 1900 - Community Beleaguered By Gossip And Jealously

The Calhoun Chronicle
December 25, 1900

Sheriff G.W. Hardman, passed through our city a few days ago.

S.E. Keith, passed through our vicinity a few days ago with a fine drove of sheep.

The New York Cash Store, of Daniels run, is still doing a good business under the management of Joe Naler.

Miss Estella Starcher, has been out in the county for a few days.

Mary, the handsome daughter of W.T. Goff, was calling on city friends Wednesday.

Dr. Price, the faithful physician of Arnoldsburg, was called to the home of J.L. Goff who is very sick at this writing; he says the indications are of typhoid fever.

The obliging constable and P.M. of our town, T.J. Starcher, is preparing to put out a fine lot of timber.

J.J. Starcher, says he wants to get done husking corn in time to sow wheat next fall (1901).

John Stalnaker says some of the boys played the (?) with about two cords of his wood a few nights ago, scattering from his place to the mouth of Daniels run.

P.P. Bell the artist and photographer will be at the Starkey school house on Daniels run on Friday December the 28th, and will be prepared to do any and all kinds of work. He is a first class workman. Those wanting work done give Mr. Bell a call on that day.

If some people, even in the county of Calhoun would put in their time praying, or reading their Bible that they spend talking about their neighbors it would be better for them, and the community, as well.

But we all contain more or less jealousy, and that causes the talk, and we will find in every community, in every literary and professional circle, jealousy has doomed doctors, lawyers, merchants, school teachers and ministers, and thousands of good men and women.

It will delude you with the idea that you can build your self up by pulling some one else down. See we find that jealousy is the rage of man. Yet in all circles, in all business, and in all professions there is room for straight forward success.