As an old Pine Cricker I have some comments. I have not the wit nor wisdom to write an ode.

However, I recall when Hur Herald went from pixels on paper to the bits of the electronic age. The demise of this "questionable publication" will be like the loss of a friend.

It seemed to have value for all readers.

Articles covered everything from the mystics of looking from the Mt. Zion ridge through a cloudless sky (they don't get much clearer) at stars and galaxies, to transcending to nature (see Ralph Waldo Emerson) at a quiet spot (except for the sounds of nature they don't get much quieter) on the Hur ridge.

Humor was included in quick quotes, and stories related by various folks, to hilarious stories like the "poop-gate" incident.

The publications satisfied our morbid curiosity of the deceased people, and animals, from every imaginable peril, followed in many cases by an obit that seemed to have genuine feeling for the bereaved.

Winners were lauded, the losers were consoled, or scolded if they ended up in jail, current events were described, and future events predicted.

History of floods and wars were covered. Especially interesting to me were the Civil War skirmishes around Arnoldsburg. A few family trees of notable families were described, or at least some trunks and limbs were traced.

Sometimes this extended to philosophical depiction of the patriarchs. Reason Kerby, for example, my great-great uncle, whose ghost visits to Hur Ridge on occasion to pass on words of wisdom.

We could even feel the soft breeze that carries the sweet smell of honey suckle, which is just now full bloom in Calhoun.

So, with the Herald we could can see, hear, feel, and almost smell, we have satisfied all our senses to a greater degree.

With all the problems in Calhoun, Bob Weaver has been trying to tell us for two decades, that it has virtue.

Goodbye dear friend,

David Kirby