MAGISTRATES COLLECTING OVERDUE COSTS - $3600 Collected During Initial Effort

Unpaid fines and court costs are being collected by the Calhoun Magistrate Courts, according to Court Clerk Barry Pitts. Pitts said the court has already collected $3600 in past due accounts, dating back to 1991. The charges are associated with misdemeanors.

Magistrates Teresa Robinson and Rick Postalwait said the court has been more than fair in allowing payment schedules, but some people have ignored their obligation.

Failure to pay fines and costs has also caused the local court to advise the Department of Motor Vehicles of the failure, causing people to lose their driver's license.

Violators are still being given a chance to appeal the issue and make payments, said Robinson. Thirty days after the first contempt hearing, if the violator continues to ignore the request or is non-compliant, an additional $100 fine will be assessed.

An additional third hearing is actual contempt of court, and the party could be incarcerated up to 10 days for each additional offense.

Magistrate Clerk Pitts said several people have come in and paid traffic citations, which is an additional amount collected by the court.