Calhoun Superintendent of Schools Tim Woodward will discuss a $1.1 million cut-back plan for the Calhoun school system, following the defeat of a five-year $3.5 operating levy by voters.

The county system is currently facing a $1.8 million deficit.

The public school board meeting will be held next Monday, Dec. 15 at 5:30 p.m. in the auditorium of Calhoun Middle-High School.

Woodward will lay out a three year reduction plan.

Superintendent Woodward said a $1.1 million reduction plan is in the works for the Calhoun school system, following the defeat of an operating levy.

Earlier, Woodward said he has "frozen all Step 11 funding (local funds) that affects in and out of county travel, field trips paid for by sources other than local funds, athletic trips paid for boosters and other outside agencies, except for athletic contests for which we are contractually obligated to play."

"This means that all practices and extra-curricular activities must end at 5 pm, all utilities will be cut back at that time," he said.

Heating and cooling temperatures will be set and can only be controlled by the supervisor of the facility. All non-essential appliances in teacher classrooms must be removed like coffee pots and microwaves.

Woodward, commenting on issues reported on Facebook regarding toilet paper rationing, said "Rest assured that students will have all the toilet paper they need," indicating he is disappointed about the misinformation on Facebook.

There have absolutely been no changes in student lunches, cuts to athletic programs, "only changes in the processes," he said.

Woodward said there is a committee being chaired by Dan Minney, Director of School Finance, that will have a facility use policy proposed to the BOE at December 15 board meeting.

The levy was defeated with 1103 against and 690 for during the General Election.

In the May Primary, the levy narrowly failed, voting against the levy 845, for the levy 727.