By Bob Weaver

West Virginia voters continue to stay away from the polls, except the stimulated party base voters.

It's a trend that is deciding congressional and state races across the USA, in addition to districts that have been gerrymandered that almost guarantees the election of incumbents or party base favorites.

West Virginia just had the best financed negative campaign money can buy, partly thanks to the US Supreme Court's Citizens United decision that gave person-hood to corporations and big money with virtually no accountability.

For the first time, more campaign money filtered down to state, district and local races.

The General Election conducted this week that caused West Virginia Republicans to make historic gains is tied to the lowest voter turn-outs in the Mountain State since 1950.

A paltry 37.3 percent of registered voters cast ballots Tuesday, according to the WV Secretary of State's website.

And for the first midterm election since its introduction in West Virginia in 2002, early voting dropped this year.

The next lowest general election turnout in the last six decades was 40 percent in the 1998 midterms.

See   WEAVER'S EPISTLES FOR POLITICAL CONTROL -'Make Noise, Confusion, Conflict And Chaos'