CLAY FOOD PANTRY ROBBED - Thousands Of Dollars Of Food Stolen

Hundreds of Clay County families will have to find another way to put food on their tables, the food pantry that provides many of their meals was burglarized overnight.

Freda Auxier, operator of the Christian Service Center said when she opened the freezer it was empty, thieves took hams, turkeys, turkey breasts, ribs, hamburgers, and hot dogs.

Auxier said she was stunned by how much food was missing, thousands of dollars worth of food gone.

Auxier has operated the Christian Service Center in Clay County for more than 20 years, saying she can't remember a time when anything was stolen, until now.

"It's simply too much to restock in time for the next giveaway next week. Now, 200 families will have to find food somewhere else," she said.