Energy Express/Summer School began yesterday and there has been confusion regarding the evening dismissal of Energy Express/Summer School. Actual dismissal for students is 3:30 PM therefore the following is a revised time schedule for the evening bus routes. For questions, please feel free to contact Marlan Zwoll at 304-354-7011 ext. 15.

Bus schedule is as follows:

A.M. Routes

North #1 - Start at Leading Creek, 8:00; Pleasant Hill School, 8:10; Route 16 South; Wigner Street, 8:20; Calhoun M/H School, 8:30 AM

North #2 - Start at Annamoriah, 7:40; High Rise Pizza, 7:45; Courthouse, 7:55; Calhoun/Gilmer Career Center, 8:05; Foodland, 8:15; Calhoun M/H School, 8:30 AM

South #1 - Upper West Fork Park, 8:00; Route 16 North to Arnoldsburg, 8:15; Route 33/119 to Millstone, 8:20; Calhoun M/H School, 8:30 AM

South #2 - Start Roane County Line, 7:45; Spring Run Road, 7:55; Route 33/119 to Rush Run Road (Turn), 8:05; Route 33/Route16 North to Calhoun M/H School, 8:30 AM

P.M. Routes

North #1 - Start Calhoun Middle/High School, 3:30; Wigner Street, 3:40; Route 16 North Pleasant Hill School, 3:50; Leading Creek Road, 4:00 PM

North #2 - Start Calhoun Middle/High School, 3:30; Route 16 North Foodland, 3:45; Route 5 Calhoun-Gilmer Career Center, 3:55; Courthouse, 4:05; High Rise Pizza, 4:15, Annamoriah, 4:20 PM

South #1 - Start Calhoun Middle/High School, 3:30; Route 16 South Millstone, 3:40; Arnoldsburg Y, 3:45; Upper West Fork Park, 4:00 PM

South #2 - Start Calhoun Middle/High School, 3:30; Route 16 South Millstone, 3:40; 33/119 Rush Run Road (Turn), 3:45; Route 33/119 W Spring Run Road, 3:55; Roane County Line, 4:05 PM

There will be no midday bus runs. Any student staying for Energy Express only will need to make arrangements to be picked up.

These bus routes are subject to change depending upon where participants choose to board the bus. Times are estimates only and parents are asked to have children there early on the first day and be prepared to wait beyond the announced arrival time. Parents must be there to receive their children, as the bus cannot wait for long period of time.

Any changes in bus routes and/or schedules will be announced to children and parents, if possible, at least one day before changes are made.

Anyone having questions can call Marlan Zwoll, 304-354-7011, Ext. 15.