There's lots of confusion with the minimum wage bill.

Governor Earl Ray Tomblin has signed a bill, one account saying that it will raise the minimum wage from $7.25 per hour in 2015, increasing to $8.75 per hour in 2016.

One account says the minimum wage will go up 25 cents in Jan. 2015.

About 100,000 West Virginians would benefit from the increase.

Critics say the bill has a number of exemptions that need to clarified, some related to overtime. Tomblin says a special session will address the problems.

Tomblin said he ultimately signed the bill because he believes it is a "positive step toward helping more than 100,000 hardworking West Virginians earn a fair wage - including mothers, fathers, working adults, as well as teens working their first jobs."

Republicans in the legislature opposed the increase, saying raising the minimum wage will negatively effect businesses and will result in a lower number of jobs, that businesses will be forced to cut down their number of employees as a result of the increase.

Supporters of the increase believe that raising the minimum wage would boost the economy because low-income families would have extra money that they would spend in local communities.