By Alvin Engelke

Without a doubt, the chief and main news in Creston is the weather with snow and cold weather. The global warming crew is busy at the UN and down in the swamps of the lower Potomac working to "fight nature and collect more taxes" but, as noted in the foreign press January 2014 is going down in the record books as one of the coldest on record and there is a feeling that such may continue to be the case for perhaps the next 30 years. One local resident found some 75 watt light bulbs in a store. They are said to be now banned because they "contributed to global warming" and we must now purchase hazardous material light bulbs made in the Chinese People's Republic.

Local cattlemen have been having problems with calves born during the very cold weather. Some of the new arrivals survived while others did not which amounts to significant financial loss. Generally speaking warmer weather is better for agricultural operations in the temperate zones. Longer growing seasons are generally considered to be a plus and milder winters are less of an economic drain on everyone. One Creston connected woman who lives in Delaware noted that the new shipment of fuel oil for her furnace cost $3.94/gallon [fuel oil is what is left after the good stuff is separated in refining crude oil] and the price of propane has doubled. It should be noted that the wet Marcellus & Utica wells are rich in propane so such should be an incentive for more drilling in the area.

Nancy Engelke was consulting with Dr. Leah Hopkins.

Local schools have been closed, church services cancelled and other planned activities have been cancelled or postponed because of the weather and slick roads. The highway folks are said to be doing minimal snow removal "to show why they need more money" but it was noted that instead of buying expensive salt and calcium chloride, local producers will give them all the brine they would ever need to keep the highways clean. Apparently that would upset the "salt lobby" and other entrenched interests. One fellow noted that when one county got creek gravel out of the stream and cinders for free from a local plant, he was told, "You know, people sell these items to the state."

Robert & Shelia Caim sold their place on Goose Nest and moved to British Honduras, now known as Belize.

Cap'n Spock & Ralphie were plowing out driveways Sunday afternoon.

Carl Ferrell was calling on Charles Russell who had some problems with frozen pipes.

P. E. Graham was attending to business in Elizabeth the other day and noted that he was enjoying retirement and not having to crawl under houses to fix frozen water pipes.

One local resident motored in the snow to Elizabeth Saturday to go to the bank only to find that the bank was closed.

Many Creston residents were without power Saturday morning for a time. All things considered the electric company was quick in restoring power.

One local resident was attending to business in the Pullman area. Drilling is going full bore in there as well as the making of more well pads, etc. In addition to the present Marcellus drilling Antero has been acquiring drilling rights for the Utica in that area.

Sen. McVain, who obviously long ago passed his prime, went to Davos Switzerland to meet with currency manipulator George Soros who has his own plans for America. McVain obviously is about as much help for the nation as is little Johnny D. IV and Sen. Chuck U. Shumer who said the IRS should go after those who question & challenge the ruling elites.

Down at the Mouth of the Elk talk continues about the chemical spill there and, of course, no one is responsible. One gets the idea that the owners of the company were, shall we say a little more connected that some would like to admit. One can bet that if the old tank farm was owned by say, the Greater Annamoriah Oil Company, all sorts of inspectors would have required that the secondary containment facilities would have been repaired long ago or else.

While the price of natural gas went up on the markets, December gas produced locally fetched the great sum of $2.91/MMBTU (or dekatherm). The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude is $94.64 (tier one) while drip fetches $78.55, Marcellus & Utica light $84.70 and medium $94.60/bbl.

The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Hur Herald.