While West Virginia has reduced the number of seniors living in poverty, child poverty is still a growing problem, according to a report released Tuesday from the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy and the West Virginia Healthy Kids and Families Coalition.

Poverty is linked to problems like rates of divorce, obesity, addiction, teen pregnancy and crime.

The state's senior poverty rate fell from 39.2 percent in 1969 to just more than 10 percent today.

West Virginia's child poverty rate has grown from 19.1 percent in 1969 to more than 23 percent today, according to the report, "Child Poverty in West Virginia: A Growing and Persistent Problem."

The latest Kids Count report says that 36% of Calhoun children are living in poverty (WV average about 25%), a worsening statistic, Calhoun being ranked 52nd of 55 counties.

WV county standings related to 12 core measurements of child well-being in the Kids Count report says Calhoun rated at 47 of 55 counties.

This report indicates the poverty rate in Calhoun is lower, about 30%.

See Report says high child poverty rate is obstacle  by Shay Maunz-Daily Mail staff

One in three young children in the state live in poverty, according to the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy report.

Children with parents who didn't graduate high school, those with single mothers, African Americans and those with unemployed parents are more likely to live in poverty, the latest report says.

The annual cost of child poverty in West Virginia is $3.9 billion.

See related story WV LEADING NATION IN TEEN CHILDBIRTHS - Calhoun-Clay Among Highest In State, Kids Count: 36% Calhoun Children In Poverty, High Rate Abuse/Neglect