By Alvin Engelke

A gentleman from the polar regions along with his lovely wife made a visit to Creston Saturday evening on the occasion of the community Christmas party. Folks came from far & near and Ted Grimm came all the way from Erie Pennsylvania with the lovely Debbie to spend the evening, visit, etc. The tables were bowed down with food and all sorts of tasty desserts. Obviously, all who came and would eat had their fill. Then the children received presents and treats from the fellow in the red suit although one little girl whose mommy works at the plant in Elizabeth and whose daddy works in a quarry wasn't so sure about all those people she didn't know. One would have to conclude that the event was a big success and everyone would like to thank all those who worked to make it happen.

Mia and Sue Ann Rhodes are going to Ohio to stay with Mia's sister Becky.

That old Lothario, Euell Russell, had four, yes, that is one, two, three and four comely women visit him the other day when Barb Wright, Connie Boggs, Wilma Mowrey and Susie Meadows went to see him at Miletree and fetch over his Christmas basket. They reported that when they arrived he was sitting at a table with two other women (that makes six) and they were laying it on heavy with the local Romeo. The four local ladies also visited Frankie Mowrey who can no longer recognize family and friends, a very sad situation. On Sunday brother Charles also called on Euell, Ray Gumm, Parris Parsons and Mrs. Tanner. Charles also looked at the remains of the old dePue Hospital/Bailey Apartments that burned on Friday.

Rev. Keith Belt filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

Ottie & Pauline Brumfield had gone Saturday to visit her sone Victor and on their way home they made a wrong turn and finally returned home hours later than planned.

The nasty flu type illness continues to hit folks of all ages. W. Harrison Schenerlein IV missed school on Friday as did several of his classmates, some of his little cousins were sick and on Saturday his daddy became ill and spent the day and evening in bed as all his family was downstairs on the occasion of his niece Danielle's graduation from college.

"Samantha" attended the Christmas meal/party for the employees of Elizabeth Michaels Friday evening at a posh eatery in Vienna. Former State Sen. James Frank Deem was there and noted all the things he and Walt Helmick had done to help Wirt County.

Broadway Joe who is now playing U. S. Senator and "defending the state's reputation" against tee vee shows by giving the show lots of free publicity made the news after records that had been sealed for 5 years were released that showed Joe's sugar daddy Mylan Pushkar's firm Mylan Pharmaceuticals got millions from state taxpayers. Pushkar had put Heather Bresch in an as COO [chief operating officer] and she, being the governor's daughter, got a bogus MBE degree from the little university up at Morgantown that rates #1 nationally as a party school. Others drinking to seven figures at the public trough were Allegheny Power whose mismanaged electric service local folks must endure as the PSC won't make them do what they should and little Johnny D. [Jay] Rockefeller's Dominion Energy. Certainly one wouldn't want the Rockefeller children to go without shoes, etc.

Local residents, like those elsewhere are saddened by the killings in the school in Connecticut. Of course liberal politicians are "using" the incident to call for taking guns away from law abiding citizens just like Adolph and his friends did in Germany before they hauled the "undesirables" off to the camps and the ovens. In all the noise it wasn't reported very well that a nutcase in communist China took a knife and killed 20 in a school there.

The Big Eared One finished up the federal bailout of AIG, the "too big to fail" firm that taxpayers rescued. The remaining assets that had been in government hands were sold off to communist China.

Jeff Immelt, the GE CEO and buddy of the "messiah", said that Chinese model of business was best. There crony capitalism is an art form as American purchases of Chinese goods builds China's war machine. GE and others with connections, such as Google, get to avoid federal income tax "since they do good things" unlike ordinary taxpayers. The plan that has been given all the hype would fund the government for 9 days but it has been made clear that "spreading the wealth around" actually means lowering the level to the slums of Nairobi, Djakarta, Bombay, Havana, etc.

The State Tax Department has sent out a second batch of tax increase letters & some report zooming coal values even though mining is verboten and oil and gas tracts took big jumps and the descriptions are such that one cannot tell what was valued by the wise ones down at the Mouth of the Elk. The letters advised that taxpayers should take up matters with the county commissions at the Board of Equalization & Review. However, in past years when such was done the commissioners would say that they would first have to clear matters with the state tax commissioner even though they hold the trump cards then.

The price of gasoline fell to under $3.20 in the Parkersburg area although not so far away in the state the price was 30 cents/gallon higher. The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude rose to $87.13 with condensate or drip fetching $76.49, Marcellus & Utica light $81.54 and medium $88.63.